Spring exhibition with colorful crafts

The cultural center and café at Skriðuklaustur opened on Saturday 1st April. In April and May it is open every day from 11 am till 5 pm. The spring exhibition is a joint project of HANDVERK OG HÖNNUN / CRAFTS AND DESIGNS and Gunnarsstofnun and has the title "Spring is coming, the world is warming..." a quote to the poet Jóhannes from Kötlum. After a heavy winter throughout the country, it was decided that spring and the spirit of growth would be the theme. Most of the works are multicolored, in bright colors and in a variety of materials. The exhibition will hopefully remind us that summer is coming, with its colors and beauty.
The works on the exhibit are very diverse and the exhibitors come from all over the country. They are: Anna Gunnarsdóttir, Auður Bergsteinsdóttir, Bjarni Þór Kristjánsson, Embla Sigurgeirsdóttir, Erla Björk Sigmundsdóttir, Guðný Hafsteinsdóttir, Guðrún Halldórsdóttir, Ingibjörg Ósk Þorvaldsdóttir, Jedúddamía (Kristrún Helga Marinósdóttir) and Ólöf Erla Bjarnadóttir.
The exhibition will be at Skriðuklaustur until 1st May.

Rithöfundalest(ur) 2022

Austfirskir höfundar fylla lestina í ár

Rithöfundar verða á ferð um Austurland 17. - 20. nóvember að kynna verk sín venju samkvæmt. Að þessu sinni verður Rithöfundalestin alfarið austfirsk þar sem allir höfundar eiga rætur eða eru búsettir á Austurlandi. Kjarna lestarinnar mynda fjórmenningarnir: Benný Sif Ísleifsdóttir með skáldsöguna Gratíana sem er framhald Hansdætra; Jónas Reynir Gunnarsson með skáldsöguna Kákasus-gerillinn; Smári Geirsson með stórvirkið Sögu Fáskrúðsfjarðar; og Ragnar Ingi Aðalsteinsson með þrjú verk, Líkið er fundið - sögur af Jökuldal, kvæðasafn systkinanna frá Heiðarseli og bók um Skáld-Rósu. Aðrir höfundar sem stíga um borð í lestina á mismunandi stöðum eru: Unnur Sveinsdóttir með barnabókina Skotti og sáttmálinn; Ásgeir Hvítaskáld með skáldsögu byggða á sönnum atburðum, Morðið í Naphorni; ; Jón Pálsson með glæpasöguna Skaðræði; Jón Knútur Ásmundsson með ljóðabókina Stím; Anna Karen Marinósdóttir með ljóðabókina Kannski verður allt í lagi; og Björn Ingvarsson með þýðingar á ljóðum Inúíta.

Upplestrarsamkomur Rithöfundalestarinnar verða sem hér segir:

Allir velkomnir á meðan húsrúm leyfir.


Rithöfundalestin er samstarfsverkefni Gunnarsstofnunar, Skaftfells, Menningarstofu Fjarðabyggðar, menningarsviðs Múlaþings og menningar- og atvinnumálanefndar Vopnafjarðarhrepps.

Verkefnið nýtur stuðnings Uppbyggingarsjóðs Austurlands, Síldarvinnslunnar, Alcoa, Atlantsolíu, Brims, Forlagsins, Bílaleigu Akureyrar og Gistihússins á Egilsstöðum.

Allar upplýsingar um viðburðina er að finna á Facebook-síðum samtarfsaðilanna.

Once upon a time...in the future

Conference on digital promotion and preservation of heritage will be held in Reykjavik 16th June 2022 as the final event in the project PHIVE (Promoting and preserving heritage in virtual environments) which is funded by the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme. At the conference there will be talks (30+) about virtual heritage and the future of heritage in virtual worlds dicussed in various sessions. Participants will be able to learn about new technical solutions and outputs from different projects and organisations. Innovative projects in gaming and experience industry that build on cultural heritage will get the change to present their products onsite. The event is hybrid and will be streamed and participants can join session online. The conference program with abstracts included can be downloaded here. Or follow the conference homepage.

To register please visit Eventbrite. There are limited seats at the venue but more online.

For more information on the PHIVE project and the future Northern Heritage Network visit: https://northernheritage.org

Icelandic organisers of the conference:

isl samstarf

Open call: Residencies in Slovakia

Residencies for writers and translators from Iceland and Norway in Slovakia

The Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute (Skriðuklaustur, Iceland) in collaboration with the Writers Union of Iceland, Tou Scene (Stavanger, Norway) and the programme Literary residencies Košice (Slovakia) are inviting writers and translators from Iceland and Norway to apply for writing residencies in Slovakia. To apply for the residency, please fill out the online application form and submit it by the 15th of June 2022.

Four residencies for authors from Iceland and four residencies for authors from Norway will take place in the city of Košice, Slovakia between July 2022 and October 2023 facilitated by the programme Literary residencies Košice.

The project Epic Residencies offers writing opportunities to authors from Iceland, Norway and Slovakia regardless of their ethnicity, nationality, gender or language of writing and is thus also open to those working in minority languages.

The Epic Residencies project is open to authors working in a wide range of literary genres (prose, poetry, literary essay, experimental work, script writing, etc) and to translators of literature. The project is built upon the values of intercultural exchange, gender equality, the importance of minority experiences and a diversity of voices in literature.  

The selected candidates will be provided with

  • private accommodation in a furnished, 1-bedroom flat with a separate bathroom and kitchen in the Old Town of Košice
  • a stipendium of 1 500 €
  • travel costs to and from the residency
  • free access to the programme’s partner art house cinema, Kino Úsmev and the partner literary museum, the Sándor Márai Museum 
  • support and assistance during their stay from the programme Literary residencies Košice
  • (Travel and health insurance is not covered by the project and is the responsibility of the selected candidates.)

Literary residencies Košice is a new residency programme based in a cultural heritage building from the 18th century in the historical center of the city that also houses the Sándor Márai Museum dedicated to the work of the Hungarian writer and his brother, the film director Géza Radványi, whose family had rebuilt the house in 1913 as the family’s residence. The literary residency programme was established by the National Minorities Club, which has its headquarters in the building, and a collective of young writers and cultural professionals who curate the literary programme in the nearby art house cinema Kino Úsmev. The programme co-operates with the national Slovak Literary Centre (LIC) as well as with a number of small cutting-edge cultural initiatives in the city and the country. The programme works with both established writers and translators and up-and-coming and experimental authors. 


The residency is open to authors who:

  • live, work, were born in or have a different connection to Iceland or Norway without regard to their age, gender or ethnicity
  • create or translate works of literature
  • Please note an ability to communicate in English in writing/speaking is preferred within the context of an international residency exchange

The Application Form

The deadline for submitting applications to the residency is the 15th of June 2022. Please apply via the online application form. Please attach the following to your application:

  • a brief CV (please specify your publications and other relevant work)
  • a description of what you would like to work on during the residency (½ - max. two A4 sides, in English) 
  • a sample of work you wish to develop during the residency or a related piece of work (max. 10 pages in the language of the original text, please include a translation to English if available) in docx., pdf or an URL link; in the case of translation project, a sample of translated work 

Please submit your application by filling out this form. 


The application will be considered by a panel of experts representing the three partner countries and organisations. The candidates will be notified of the result by email by the 15th of July 2022.

Support from the EEA grant scheme

The EPIC RESIDENCIES benefits from a 150 000 € grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants. The project has been co-financed from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of 22 000 €. The aim of the project is to build capacities of the partner organisations, inclusive education, intercultural exchange and audience development. If you would like to know more about programmes and projects financed by the EEA in Slovakia, visit www.eeagrants.sk All projects are co-financed by the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of 15%. The EEA Grants represent the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway towards a green, competitive and inclusive Europe. There are two overall objectives: reduction of economic and social disparities in Europe and to strengthen bilateral relations between the donor countries and 15 EU countries in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltics. The three donor countries cooperate closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA).  #SPOLOCNEzaDOBREnapady #EEAgrants #EPICRESIDENCIES

 ILN slovak

Menningarsjóður Gunnarsstofnunar auglýsir eftir umsóknum

Menningarsjóður Gunnarsstofnunar hefur tvíþættan tilgang: að renna stoðum undir starfsemi Stofnunar Gunnars Gunnarssonar á Skriðuklaustri með árlegum framlögum; og að styðja rithöfunda, listamenn, fræðimenn og námsfólk til verka er samræmast hlutverki Gunnarsstofnunar. 

Stjórn sjóðsins hefur ákveðið að árið 2022 verði áhersla lögð á:

  • List- og miðlunarverkefni sem tengjast austfirskum menningararfi.
  • Verkefni sem tengjast ritverkum og ævi Gunnars Gunnarssonar.

Umsóknarfrestur er til miðnættis 5. maí 2022. Umsóknum ásamt fylgiskjölum skal skila rafrænt á This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Hægt er að nálgast úthlutunarreglur og umsóknareyðublað á www.skriduklaustur.is/gunnarsstofnun/menningarsjodurásamt frekari upplýsingum um sjóðinn.

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