Women on canvas - exhibit

The local artist Kristín Rut Eyjólfsdóttir opened a new exhbition in gallery Klaustur Saturday 31st July. On the exhibit are 13 paintings that she has made recently. Kristín has taken part in group exhibitions and had some solo exhibitions through the years. She for example exhibited her works at Skriduklaustur in 2013. The exhibition is open everyday from 10:00 - 18:00 until 27th August.

A Visit to Skriðuklaustur - ceramic exhibit

A new exhibition with ceramic was opened in gallery Klaustur Saturday 10th July. The artist Auður Inga Ingvarsdóttir makes exhibits both bird sculptures and decorated cups. Her works are inspired from the nature and she uses old traditional methods to burn the pottery, e.g. raku. All the works on the exhibition are for sale and it will end on 30th July. It is open every day from 10:00 till 18.00 as the museum.

Toward a new beginning

The photographer Gunnar Freyr Gunnarsson opened his exhibition Toward a new beginning  in gallerí Klaustur at the cultural centre Sunday 13th July. The exhibition is about transition, flow and change – and marks the shifting paradigm we are in - going from a world impacted by a pandemic to something new. The images focus on natures creation, emergence and new beginnings. The pictures are from all around Iceland, with a few of the images placing special emphasis on East Iceland.

Gunnar Freyr Gunnarsson is an Icelandic-Danish photographer. Since he moved to Iceland in 2015, it‘s has been his passion to discover his home country through the lens of his camera. Gunnar has studied at The School of Photography in Reykjavik, is an official Canon Nordic Photographer and has been living as a professional photographer for almost 5 years. His works have gained attention worldwide and have for example been used for marketing Iceland. His official website is www.icelandicexplorer.com

The exhibition is open every day from 10 am to 6 pm until 9th July.

New COVID restrictions 31st July

Due to new Covid restrictions which are valid as of 31st July (12:00) we announce that the cultural center at Skriðuklaustur will continue to be open daily from 10:00-18:00, both the exhibitions and the café. We expect our visitors to help us to keep the 2m social distance and the number limit of visitors according to each space. We rely on our guests to be understanding and patient because the service and space is limited and to use our facilities to wash and sanitize hands. You can book a table at Klausturkaffi café by phone 471-2992. Lunch is served from 11:30-14:00 and afternoon cakes from 15:00-17:00. While waiting you can have a look at the monastic ruins, try our maze or visit the next door information center for the Vatnajökull National Park. Be understanding, mindful, and supportive of each other. Civil defense is still in our hands!

Drowning Pool - video work

The American artist Joan Perlman has opnened an exhibition in gallery Klaustur. The title of the video work on exhibit is _Drowning Pool_. It is "a work about healing and retribution, comprised of layered video and long durational sequences that convey the liminal presence at the confluence of past and present, blending dark history and momentary beauty. Irish composer Linda Buckley created the hauntingly resonant soundtrack, using voice and experimental media." The exhibition ends on 24th July.

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